Το ΔΝΤ μιλαειhttp://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/scr/2014/cr14151.pdf Although significant reforms were adopted in this areaearlier in the program, excessive restrictions remain that raise the cost of doing business andinhibit the establishment or expansion of larger-sized firms. The authorities committed to take uplegislative reforms on collective dismissals and industrial actions in the next review. Collective dismissals. Disputed collective dismissals are de facto not allowed. They requirethe approval of the Minister of Labor, but no such approval has been granted since 1982,forcing companies to offer very high voluntary severance packages or resort to bankruptcy.Aligning the framework with good international practice requires legislative change toestablish simple and easily verifiable statutory requirements, remove the required approval ofthe Minister of Labor, and ensure that the employer internalizes the social cost of its actions.The authorities have adopted administrative changes by moving the approval from theMinister of Labor to the Secretary General. But it is to be seen whether these changes candurably resist political pressures once the spotlight on the issue has shifted. μπορει να σας φαινεται οτι "μαζικες απολυσεις" ειναι απολυτο κακο, αλλα τιποτα δεν ειναι απολυτα κακο. Θελετε επενδυσεις και αναπτυξη και μαζικες απολυσεις η να μεινουμε οπως ημασταν το 1982 ενω ολη η Ευρωπη πηγαινει αλλου;
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