Ο λαϊκιστής Γκρίλο ήδη έφερε αποτελέσματα. Ο γερμανικός τύπος για πρώτη φορά αναγκάζεται να ομολογήσει την αλήθεια. Μεταφλερω από τον σημερινό Spiegel:"The overwhelming support given to populists in the election didn't just stem from homemade problems. It was directly linked to Europe. Many Italians -- just like the Greeks, Portuguese and Spaniards -- feel like the losers of monetary union.Germany and some other northern nations have become richer thanks to the euro but other regions, especially in the south, have become poorer. Their purchasing power has declined, their unemployment has risen and one in three Italians aged 18 and under lives close to the poverty line. And, under an agreement with the European Union, the country is supposed to dedicate 5 percent of its gross domestic product starting in 2015 to reduce its mountain of debt. That might be the right thing to do in macroeconomic terms, but it's an extremely painful policy to impose on ordinary people. They will become poorer each year because they won't be able to generate growth anywhere close to 5 percent.Silliest Reaction in BerlinThey're not going to accept that, and even more of them will flock to anti-European populists. EU officials have negotiated manifold agreements to bail out banks and countries. But they haven't thought enough about the impact on people. The EU won't be able to go on like this in the long run.Politicians in Berlin should spend some time thinking about that. The most nonsensical comment on the Italian election came from the German capital, where Economics Minister Philipp Rösler appealed to Rome's "political common sense." He added that "there's no alternative" to the political direction Italy has taken so far."Τι έχεις να πεις γι' αυτό Άρη? Εγώ θα πιω ένα ουζάκι στην υγειά του Μπέπε Γκρίλο.[Aπ. Άρη: Έχουν δίκιο στην ανάλυσή τους για το τι έσπρωξε τον κόσμο στον Γκρίλο. Το αν αυτό το δημοσίευμα μας γεμίζει με χαρά και αισιοδοξία για το μέλλον είναι, φαντάζομαι, υποκειμενικό. ]
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