Άρη ρίξε μια ματιά στο παρακάτω (ειδικά το "it felt great to release myself from the hundreds of promises I’d made myself to be the sort of person who read such-and-such or so-and-so")" We should ask ourselves if reading a book we’re getting little out of is the best use of scarce resources... “First, there’s all those canonical works that you’re supposed to have read to be suitably well-rounded. Then there’s all the contemporary books you’re supposed to have under your belt if you want to be on top of the modern literary scene,” notes Mr. Hogan, who is also senior editor of the GalleyCat blog.He recently had to declutter his apartment and got rid of “more than a dozen boxes of books, most novels that remained unread years after I’d acquired them,” he recalls.“In all honesty, it felt great to release myself from the hundreds of promises I’d made myself to be the sort of person who read such-and-such or so-and-so,” he says.His advice? “Don’t slog your way through books just so your reading list will conform with other people’s ideas about what’s hot or what’s smart. Find the books that compel you from first page to last.”Sarah Wendell of the romance blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books also recently developed the habit of abandoning books. “I figured that life is too short to spend time reading books that I don’t like, especially if I can determine why I’m not enjoying it,” she says.http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jul/24/edge-closing-the-book-on-a-bad-read/Ωστόσο υπάρχει και η αντίθετη άποψη http://www.federicopereiro.com/masters/http://mathoverflow.net/questions/28268/do-you-read-the-masters
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