Eίχαν σπάσει το σαγόνι στο παιδί, χρειάστηκε εγχείρηση και η διεύθυνση του σχολείου δηλώνει πως δεν υφίστατο bullying ...Μάλιστα.Πάντως πολλά πράγματα είναι τελικά θέμα politics."In Queensland, school principals are free to decide whether their schools join the controversial (sic) Safe Schools anti-bullying program. A number of schools that had opted in were previously listed on the Safe Schools website but the list was removed after they began to receive abuse from opponents (!!!).The education department did not respond to questions about whether Aspley state high school was a member of Safe Schools, but it said schools were free to “adopt aspects” of the program at individual principals’ discretion."https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/nov/25/teenager-killed-himself-after-constant-bullying-about-his-sexualityκαι "We believe (The Queensland Australian Christian Lobby) no one should be bullied at school, including children identifying as LGBTI. But we believe it is not the role of government to be promoting academically contested radical sex education and gender theories to children as young as 4 years old in resources such as The Gender Fairy."As of late Thursday, the anti-Safe Schools petition had 1973 signatures.But a counter petition, sponsored by Environment Minister Steven Miles, which went live on the Parliament website on Wednesday night and by Thursday had nearly 1500 signatures, called for the Safe Schools Program to remain in those schools which wanted it" and that no action is taken by the House to prevent or hinder access to the program for any Queensland children"."The unwarranted attack on the Program by the Australian Christian Lobby is driven by homophobia, paranoia, and confusion," the counter petition read.http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/stop-safe-schools-v-save-safe-schools-for-qld-parliament-20160310-gng072.ht...Οπότε, to cut a long story short το λόμπυ των χριστιανών αντιτείθεται στο πρόγραμμα του safe schools coalition (http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org.au/who-we-are) που περιλαμβάνει, κατά τα λεγόμενά τους, radical sex education and gender theories (διότι προφανώς φοβούνται ότι θα χάσουν κανα straight/ cisgender παιδί από το μαντρί κ.λπ.).__________________Τα αναφέρω αυτά επειδή σε sites που αναφέρουν την ΑΥΤΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ - (κατ΄εμέ) ΕΜΜΕΣΗ ΔΟΛΟΦΟΝΙΑ του Τyrone, υπήρχαν αρκετές συντηρούκλες που έκραζαν το "safe schools coalition"Ένας ακόμη θάνατος, με τις υγείες μας...
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