Το άρθρο δεν έβαλε ΌΛΕΣ ΤΙΣ ΠΤΥΧΕΣ ΤΟΥΘΕΜΑΤΟΣ.π.χ. τις συνέπειες του άρθρου όπου ξεκίνησε μποϋκοτάζ εναντίον όλης της Ελλάδας και των προϊόντων από τους αναγνώστες του εν λόγω άρθρου. Ιδού μερικά.... για να δείτε τι εκτίμηση μας έχουν:- Shame on u Greece.- I will boycott Greece as a tourist attraction. - I also will boycott all products from Greece and will get my family and friends to do so also- Do not travel, spent moneyvon those Islands. - Boycott all products from Greece! Share this to everyone! No more greek anything for me!!!!! Vial sub-human scum!!!!- Until this stops, I pledge to boycott ALL products from Greece.- This is simply as horrible as it gets, no more feta, Greek yogurt or calamata olives.- The animal cruelty in Greece is disgusting,a lot of British have stopped holidaying there because of this,they will never learn.- Boycot Greece! Our Dutch goverment should stop sending money to Greece. These citizens do not get any respect.- And we give money a this people.... a shit would give- People in greece are so cruel these people need to be chained to a barrel without food and water.The Barrel Dogs of Greece (EU)http://www.esdaw.eu/the-barrel-dogs---greece.htmlEsdaw - European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare.https://www.facebook.com/162090127175643/photos/a.162107330507256.52959.162090127175643/734300869954563/?type=1
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