There are two reasons I wouldn't eat at JO's establishments, and none has to do with mice droppings (gosh, I used to eat at WongKeis in Chinatown, where mice slalomed through the tables some ten years ago -don't know about now. Filled up on bean curd mixed vegetables and noodles, plus jasmine tea, for a fiver). First, Oliver's meat free dishes are woefully mediocre and expensive for what they are (advice to vegetarians, give JOs a wide berth). And second, he is a vociferous supporter and financial backer of the Ukip, and yours truly does not want her hard earned cash to find its way into the coffers of a right wing ultra nationalist party. In the same way, had I been aware of the restaurateur supporters of the famille Le Pen in Paris, I would not patronise their establishments even if you paid me. I know that for people who know him up close and professional, like the writer of the article, he is a nice employer, nice guy, campaigns for a healthier diet for the populace (which the first Blair government did, long before Oliver, but they were accused of 'nanny state' tactics by the tabloids -Oliver's natural habitat), but for us who cannot be charmed (not even by his carefully cultivated 'the boy done good' TV persona) , the contradictions between 'lovable working class lad Jamie' and Ukiper Oliver are too big to reconcile.
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